William Montes-Pack
Home: (415) 686-0753 e-Mail: Wmontes-Pack@sbcglobal.net Note new e-mail address !! Website: http://bmpack.tripod.com Member of the
International Association of Business Communicators (IABC)
Be sure to check out the updated Resources page!! IT Business ConsultantMy Professional Philosophy Because
of the extremely competitive environment in business, management has evolved
to focus on customer retention.
Customer requirements and satisfaction with products and services
provided by IT companies drive the pursuit of quality through continuous
improvement of processes In my
IT management consulting, I follow the Edward W Deming's management
philosophy in the pursuit of quality services and products through customer
feedback, teamwork, organizational partnerships and continuous improvement.
The Deming Method Highlights: Process Improvement Plan
Strategy for a Quality
Organization 6. Measure its success The first cycle is complete and we return to step one.
Business Consulting Today
in IT Management Consulting Like
technical support, network administration and application support, management
tasks are also being affected by the shortage of IT professionals. Tasks such as technical environment
planning, strategy and management traditionally delegated to a company’s full
time director or senior manager is now being outsourced. The ComputerWorld article Staffing Woes
Spur ASP Use predicts that outsourced IT planning responsibilities will
jump from 15% in 1998 to 30% in 2003 (ComputerWorld
magazine, News, Staffing Woes Spur ASP use, p.20, February 28, 2000).
This underscores the need for mid-level and senior IT management
consultants to develop strategy, planning of technical projects and support
and manage outsourced personnel. Be sure to review the resources page and
resume and feel free to send me a note with questions, ideas or
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Modified on Tuesday,
August 14, 2001 2:01 AM