William Montes-Pack
Home (415) 337-1192
e-Mail: Wmontes-Pack@sbcglobal.net
These books, workbooks, sites and associations are media
that I consistently use to provide the best in management methodology. If
you have questions, comments or additional resources, please send an e-mail to
Management consultant: Project
management experience, responsible for process/systems analysis and
implementation for a portion of a project -- Business Consulting, Hot
Spots, ComputerWorld magazine, page 80, November 15, 1999
Senior-level consultant:
Responsible for overall project management, including deliverables and schedule
– Business Consulting, Hot Spots, ComputerWorld magazine, page
80, November 15, 1999
Best practices: the best
ways to perform a business process – Best Practices: Building Your
Business with Customer-Focused Solutions
Benchmarking: a
measurement tool used to gauge a company’s operating performance against that
of competitors to identify best practices and make improvements – Business
Quickstudy, ComputerWorld magazine, page 52, November 22, 1999
Customer: anyone
who has a stake or interest in the ongoing operations of the company. A
customer can be internal or external to the organization. It is anyone
who receives the output of labor or is affected by its quality and timeliness --
Benchmarking: A Tool for Continuous Improvement
Quality: defined
from a user’s point of view is anything that enhances satisfaction – Dr.
Deming: The American Who Taught the Japanese about Quality
The Communication
Plan: The heart of Strategic Communication, 1997,
Lester R. Potter, ABC, (The Strategic Communicator Series, International
Association of Business Communicators)
Case Studies:
Benchmarking: A Tool for Continuous
Improvement, 1995, C.J. McNair, CMA and Kathleen H.J. Leibfried
(The Coopers & Lybrand Performance Solutions Series, John Riley and Sons,
Featured Companies
Business Process Benchmarking:
Finding and Implementing Best Practices, 1995, Robert C. Camp (ASCQ Quality Press, American
Productivity and Quality Center)
Featuring case studies of 40 companies from the Malcolm
Baldrige National Quality Award
Measuring Customer Satisfaction: Survey Design, Use, and
Statistical Analysis Methods, Second Edition, 1998, Bob E. Hayes (ASCQ Quality
Press, American Society for Quality)
Project Management:
Planning and Implementation, Business Process Improvement 2000 Edition, 1999, Bennet P. Lientz and
Kathryn P. Rea (Harcourt Professional Publishing)
Best Practices, Building Your Business with
Customer-Focused Solutions, 1998, Robert Hiebeler, Thomas B. Kelly and Charles Ketteman
(Arthur Andersen, Simon & Shuster)
how more than forty best-practices companies focus on
their customers, create growth, reduce cost, and increase profits
Documented data on hundreds of companies worldwide
concentrates primarily on customers and how to involve
them in the design of products and services to marketing, selling, and product
helps diagnose company processes to determine how best
to improve those processes
The New Economics for Industry, Government, Education,
Second Edition, 1994, W. Edwards Deming (W. Edwards
Deming Institute, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Center for Advanced
Engineering Study.)
Dr. Deming: The American Who Taught the Japanese About
Quality, 1990, Rafael Aguayo (First
Fireside Edition, Simon & Shuster)
What is quality?
Stable systems
Cooperation between supplier and division s
Cooperation between management and workers
Cooperation among competitors
The need for transformation
Focus and philosophy
Importance of training
Driving out fear
Out of the Crisis, 1986, W. Edwards Deming, Dr. Deming’s Classic Book for
Management (W. Edwards Deming Institute, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Center for Advanced Engineering Study)
The 14 Points for Management:
Create constancy of purpose toward improvement of product and service, with the aim to become competitive
and to stay in business and to provide jobs
Adopt the new philosophy
Cease dependence on inspection to achieve quality. Eliminate the need for inspection on a mass basis by
building quality into the product in the first place
End the practice of awarding business on the basis of
price tag. Instead, minimize total
cost. Move toward a single supplier for any one item, on a long-term
relationship of loyalty and trust
Improve constantly and forever the system of production
and service, to improve quality and productivity,
and thus constantly decrease costs
Institute training on the
Institute leadership.
The aim of supervision should be to help people and machines and gadgets to do
a better job
Drive out fear, so that
everyone may work effectively for the company
Break down barriers between departments. People in research, design, sales and production
must work as a team, to foresee problems of production and in use that may be
encountered with the product or service
10. Eliminate
slogans, exhortations and targets for the
workforce asking for zero defects and new levels or productivity. Such
exhortations only create adversarial relationships, as the bulk of the causes
of low quality and low productivity belong to the system and thus lie beyond
the power of the work force
11. a. Eliminate work standards (quotas) on the factory
floor. Substitute leadership
11. b. Eliminate management by objective. Eliminate
management by numbers, numerical goals. Substitute leadership
12. a. Remove barriers that rob the hourly worker of his
right to pride of workmanship. The responsibility of supervisors must
be changed from sheer numbers to quality
12. b. Remove barriers that rob people in management and in
engineering of their right to pride of workmanship. This means, inter
alia, abolishment of the annual or merit rating of
management of objective
13. Institute a rigorous program of education and self-improvement
14. Put everybody in the company to work to accomplish the
transformation. The transformation is everybody’s
The deadly diseases and obstacles of management
Theory of a system: common causes and special causes of
Quality and the consumer
Quality and productivity in service organizations
Some new principles of training and leadership
Rules for inspection
The Balanced
Scorecard: Translating Strategy into Action, 1996, Harvard Business School Press, Boston, Mass.
I was amazed when I found this book – it
was so much like my own business methodology but much, much more in-depth. It is a “management system” that uses
performance based metrics and knowledge capital to achieve results in your
business strategy.
Contract Professional: “The magazine
for IT contractors and consultants” If your are a technical consultant, IT
contractor, application consultant or recruiter, you must subscribe to this
Consulting Magazine: “The only magazine written exclusively for
management consultants - Consulting is dedicated to fostering
performance excellence and career success in management consulting through
editorial articles and features discussing innovative ideas, intelligence and
guidance. The monthly publication answers the unique information needs of
individual consultants responsible for shaping the business strategies and
performance of their client companies. Editorial features examine consulting's
growing career options, while discussing the challenge of creating a rewarding
work/life balance”
ComputerWorld: “The newspaper
for IT leaders” Our best industry rag!
Watch for Business Quickstudy and Technology Quickstudy sections, they
are excellent for a quick run-down on new management practices and
technologies. News and articles are great for determining which companies are
worth investing your money, time and resources.
InfoWorld: “Defining
technology for business”
PC Week: “Building the
.com enterprise”
The International
Association of Business Communicators (IABC):
The San Francisco Chapter
of the IABC:
Arthur Andersen Best
American Society for Quality
(ASQ, formerly ASQC):
for media catalogue: (800) 248-1946
The American Productivity
and Quality Center (APQC):
Check out the white papers from the Best
Practices link, especially Benchmarking: Leveraging Best-Practice Strategies!
The Benchmarking Network
Excellent resource center. For all industries.
The APQC: International Benchmarking
Clearinghouse member site:
Founding members of the Clearinghouse:
Arthur Andersen
Browning-Ferris Industries
Campbell Soup Company
General Motors Corporation
Hewlett-Packard Company
Honeywell, Inc.
IBM Corporation
Price Waterhouse
Created by Bill Montes-Pack
Last Modified on 8/14/01 2:16:11 AM